Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer or device when you visit our webpage.
How We Use Cookies
By using cookies, we do not breach the provisions of Slovak Act 122/2013 Coll. on personal data protection as in using cookies, we neither collect personal data, nor provide them to intermediaries or third parties. By browsing our present website, the user agrees with using and saving cookies in their browser. You get notified of this fact when you visit our website and you agree by continuing to use our website. If a user does not agree with using cookies, it may mean not to visit our website, or to manually delete or block cookies. If you decline to use cookies, you will still be able to visit and browse our website, however some of its features may not work properly.
Cookies are saved on your computer in order to facilitate access to various features. We use cookies to enhance your browsing experience when you visit our website. The cookies are used in order to remember search settings such as text size, language preferences, colour preferences etc., which allows us to adjust our site for your best convenience and browsing experience, and to collect analytical information such as on the number of visitors of our website. Cookies also allow us to better collect information on the use of our website. However in gathering such information, we never collect your personal data or personal information. Only a unique session identifier is saved, which allows us to reload your user’s profile and preferences on your next visit to our website.
There are the following types of cookies:
(a) Session cookies, which are stored on your computer or device only temporarily over a browsing session and the end of which they are deleted
(b) Persistent cookies, which are stored on your computer over longer periods of time. These persistent cookies can be deleted by user.
How To Manage Cookies
Most browsers have options to change configuration settings such as allow or reject cookies, view cookies, block all or specific cookies etc. For more information about managing cookies go to this address